We have BIG News!

The last three months of our lives have been what feels like the longest and the fastest stretch of changes of our entire lives. We decided to sell our house, we cleaned and packed up as much as we could and listed in record time, sold it after a long ten days of invasive showings, and have been slowly packing up the rest since.

After visiting a handful of amazing homes in our ideal location, only to realize they were money-pits or uninsurable once we were in the thick of it, we decided to look at a seemingly beautiful home outside of our preferred area and it was absolutely the universe’s way of helping us appreciate true beauty when we saw it. We were lucky enough to be able to purchase the first house we decided to buy, and we get to move into it at the end of the month.

Almonte is a lovely small town just outside of Ottawa that thrives on and actively supports small businesses, along a river, and has everything we could possibly need within walking distance. It is all the things I could possibly want in a home, and I happily gave up my dream of having a large property in the outskirts for the downtown small-town vibe as my forever home. Did I mention it was built in the 1800’s? Oh my, what a gorgeous home it is and I am so excited to share photos with you once we move in!

Oh, and I guess I kinda buried the lead. We are also expanding our family by one more just in time for the holidays this year. Go big or go home they say, so we did both!

You can see the photos from the rest of our pregnancy announcement photoshoot.

Chat soon!

stephanie de montigny SdeM handrawn initials ottawa blogger