Keto-Friendly Ratatouille (Confit Byaldi) | Recipe

vegetarian-keto-friendly-ratatouille-dish-bowl-lunch-dinner-zucchini-eggplant-tomato-cream-stephanie-de-montigny-ottawa-foodie-blog, keto-friendly, Confit Byaldi

Date-night with the fiancé quickly went from movie-night to urge to cook a delicious ratatouille! I mean, who doesn’t love a great Disney movie with good company and good food. We gathered up the supplies, made a few tweaks to make sure it was a keto-friendly ratatouille, and the magic we cooked up is magnificent!  The version from the movie with the pretty little slices of vegetables is technically called Confit Byaldi, and it really gives the dish some class and a little fun. Not the best at slicing or want to get this dish made quickly? Cube the veggies and cook in the casserole in a stew form rather than slicing. It might not be as pretty but it tastes just as good!

Keto-Friendly Ratatouille (Confit Byaldi)


  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 1 large green zucchini
  • 1 large yellow zucchini
  • 1 roma tomato
  • 1/2 heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, diced
  • 1 teaspoon dried herbes de Provence
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • salt to taste

You will want to do your best to get vegetables that are the same diameter so that your disks are the same size. As you can see, this time around I wasn’t so lucky, but I guarantee that the delicious taste is not altered in any way, but the presentation looks much better when they are. 


  1. Heat butter in a saucepan until hot and foamy.
  2. Add garlic and herbes de Provence spice to butter and let simmer on medium heat.
  3. Using a mandolin or a sharp knife, slice the eggplant, zucchini and Roma tomatoes into thin (2mm) even slices. Make sure to keep the scraps!
  4. Add veggie scraps and salt&pepper to the saucepan.
  5. Add the cream and simmer on medium heat until vegetables are cooked through and softened.
  6. Remove the saucepan from heat, and let cool slightly.
  7. Run through the food processor until puréed.
  8. Pour sauce into bottom of oven-safe casserole dish in a thin even layer.
  9. Strategically place the sliced raw veggies in a circular pattern in the dish, alternating colours as you go around.
  10. Coat the top of the veggies with the olive oil and sprinkle on the dried rosemary & basil.
  11. Cover top with parchment paper (the casserole dish will do in a pinch). Cook in the oven at 350 for 60-90 minutes or until the veggies are cooked throughout to your desired tenderness. Remove the cover 15 minutes before the end of cooking time to allow for roasting of the vegetables. The longer you cook it, the more flavourful it becomes.
  12. Serve.

vegetarian-keto-friendly-ratatouille-dish-bowl-lunch-dinner-zucchini-eggplant-tomato-cream, cooked veggies for sauce with cream    vegetarian-keto-friendly-ratatouille-dish-bowl-lunch-dinner-zucchini-eggplant-tomato-cream, cooked veggies for sauce

vegetarian-keto-friendly-ratatouille-dish-bowl-lunch-dinner-zucchini-eggplant-tomato-cream, puree veggie creamy sauce base for ratatouille    vegetarian-keto-friendly-ratatouille-dish-bowl-lunch-dinner-zucchini-eggplant-tomato-cream, cooked veggies for creamy sauce, sliced

Nutritional Stats & Variations

The ratios below are for the entire recipe (meant to serve 4), which means that each serving has under 3.5 grams of sugar (entirely from the veggies).

  • 9 grams of protein (3%)
  • 139 grams of healthy fats (90%)
  • 24 grams of carbs (7%)
    • 7 grams of fiber
    • 13 grams of sugar (entirely from veggies)

This vegetarian keto-friendly ratatouille (Confit Byaldi) is a great meal on its own; the alternative creamy base sauce adds a ton of healthy fats and really makes the dish satiating. You can also serve it as a side dish to a fatty protein like a skin-on chicken thigh or small steak for even better macros. For an added bonus, you can even add some mushrooms to the creamy base sauce. For a vegan option, swap out the butter for 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and the whipping cream for full-fat coconut milk. 

Bon Appetit!

stephanie de montigny SdeM handrawn initials ottawa blogger

vegetarian-keto-friendly-ratatouille-dish-bowl-lunch-dinner-zucchini-eggplant-tomato-creamy-veggie-stew-stephanie-de-montigny-ottawa-foodie-blog, keto-friendly ratatouille